• Return Journey


    Part of the About Face series.

  • Kingpin


  • About Face ( SERIES)


    This series of seven contemporary dramas showcases the fresh, up-and-coming filmmakers of the 1980s.  The seven stories fit into various genres and of the seven filmmakers, five went on to make feature films. My First Suit - directed by Stewart...

  • The Fastest Gun Down Under


    An obsession with the the American cowboy as portrayed in countless westerns attracts members of both sexes to a club in the outer suburbs of Auckland. Dressing up in western garb, complete with holsters and guns, is a weekly form of escapism for club...

  • Drum/Sing


    Sculptor-Composer Phil Dadson and his two musical colleagues, Wayne Liard and Don McGlashan overwhelm the senses by producing percussive and other sounds from musical instruments of their own devising - large plastic tubes combined with drums and other...

  • Should I Be Good


    The feature film Should I Be Good is based on the actual events of the New Zealand based drug scandal which exploded into the news media with the brutal murder of Martin Johnstone in Britain in the early 1980s. He had already been dubbed 'Mr...

  • Leave All Fair


    She deposited the letter in a bank security box with instructions that it be given to her husband in the event of her death. Five months later, Katherine Mansfield died. Unknown to Murry, she had also left a copy of the 'last letter' with...

  • The Silent One


    The Silent One tells the story of Jonasi, a uniquely gifted young Polynesian man sent from the sea as a baby to grow up in an islolated Pacific village. Separated from the villagers by his silence and their prejudices, Jonasi finds solace in his...

  • Sylvia


    Sylvia Ashton-Warner's childhood was spent in poverty. Her father was crippled. Her mother, with nine other children, taught at an endless succession of schools, to which her growing family trailed after her, sharing hardships and domestic chores...

  • The Quiet Earth


    In director Geoff Murphy's cult sci-fi feature a global energy project has malfunctioned and scientist Zac Hobson (Bruno Lawrence) awakes to find himself the only living being left on earth. At first he lives out his fantasies, helping himself to...

  • Carry Me Back


    What follows is a riotous comedy of errors as ferry strikes, stolen vans and storms rage against the efforts of the two country lads. As a last ditch stand they call on their Aunty Bird for help. This turns out to be a mixed blessing as Aunty Bird is...

  • Rosie Learns A Lesson


    Rosie, a tubby sausage dog, sits on the verandah couch having a sunabthe. Her owner, Mrs Walker, comes out of the house and tells Rosie she'll have to go to the vet and be put on a diet. Mrs Walker calls Rosie to take her to the vet. Rosie imagines...

  • Trekking With the Gods


    Beginning in Kathmandu, Trekking with the Gods echoes the experiences of a group of 17 visitors who have come to Nepal to walk in the Himalayan foothills, weaving their way through a country entwined with ancient customs and cultures.

  • Them's The Breaks


    A dramatised documentary based on the experiences of a group of young Māori women in New Zealand. The film tells the story of four street kids' encounters with various government departments, institutions and figures of authority. these include...

  • Squeeze


  • Just One Child


  • Te Utu


    DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT - Robert Jahnke "The Māori of New Zealand is a member of the Polynesian race whose origin is still a subject of much argument. The consensus of opinion today suggests that the Polynesians reached Oceania from the Asian...

  • Sons for the Return Home


  • Keskidee Aroha


    Keskidee, a small Jamaican bird resilient in the face of hardship, is also the name of a self-help black arts centre in London, and the theatre group who work there. Keskidee's actors and musicians were brought to New Zealand to work with...

  • A State of Siege


    Karemoana was the final destination of Malfred Signal, retired teacher of drawing, whose life was dedicated to nursing her dying mother, and instructing generations of young girls in the art of accurately depicting shadows. But now her mother has died...

  • Guns Akimbo

    Issue date: 17 Sep 2019

    At a time when millions of people around the world are streaming e-sports content every day, it's not hard to imagine a possible future with the blood-sport insanity of Jason Lei Howden's Guns Akimbo. Videogame developer Miles (Daniel Radcliffe) is...

  • He Ara Deadline


    The deadline for He Ara Development Fund is 1pm.

  • Te Aupounamu Māori Screen Excellence Award Deadline


    The deadline for nominations for Te Aupounamu Māori Screen Excellence Award is 1pm.

  • Film Distribution Grants Guidelines

    Issue date: 22 Sep 2020

    We offer financial assistance to domestic distributors of NZFC-funded New Zealand feature films to help maximise the New Zealand domestic theatrical audience. Read these helpful guidelines to assist you. 

  • NZFC External Complaints Policy


    The New Zealand Film Commission values feedback from our stakeholders.  This document outlines the policy as it applies to all external stakeholders working with the NZFC, and also covers employees, secondees, interns, independent consultants...

  • Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Stage One Deadline


    Stage One applications for Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts close at 1pm.

  • Whakawhanake Te Ao Niko- Interactive Development Fund Deadline


    The deadline for Whakawhanake Te Ao Niko | Interactive Development Fund is 1pm

  • Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Webinar: Q&A With NZFC and Script to Screen

    Issue date: 10 Sep 2020

    The 2020 Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts round is now open. KEY DATES: Whiringa Tuatahi - Stage One Applications open now (Apply via Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Portal) Applications close: 1pm, Monday 19 October 2020 Announcement of shortlisted...

  • Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts Will Open on Thursday 10 September

    Issue date: 7 Sep 2020

    The 2020 Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts application round will open on Thursday 10 September. This year the application process for Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts has been changed, making it simpler for teams to apply. Kōpere Hou - Fresh Shorts is now a two-stage...

  • The Letter for the King

    Issue date: 20 Mar 2020

    image credit: Nicola Dove/Netflix  When a ruthless prince threatens to cast the world into darkness, a young knight in training named Tiuri (Amir Wilson) embarks on an epic quest to deliver a secret letter to the king. Along the way, he...

  • Niki Caro's Mulan Releases

    Issue date: 4 Sep 2020

    Walt Disney’s Mulan, New Zealand Director Niki Caro’s latest masterpiece, will release globally tonight (7pm Friday 4 September 2020). Filmed on location around New Zealand, Mulan tells the epic tale of China’s legendary female warrior...

  • Fresh Shorts Sample Delivery Schedule

    Issue date: 22 Sep 2020

    A sample delivery schedule for Fresh Shorts funding

  • Sample Short Film Script - My Friend Michael Jones

    Issue date: 22 Sep 2020

    A sample short film script - My Friend Michael Jones

  • Sample Short Film Script - Shadow Cut

    Issue date: 22 Sep 2020

    A sample short film script - Shadow Cut

  • Farewell to Keri Kaa

    Issue date: 28 Aug 2020

    Karanga mai i tēnei wā a Rangitukia parihā Ki tēnei maunga Hikurangi tangata Ki tēnei uri o Maui nukurau Kaikinikini te ngakau mou E te tuhi mareikura, Kōkā Keri Haere atu rā, Moe mai rā The NZFC and the screen industry sadly bid farewell to writer...

  • The New Legends of Monkey Season 2

    Issue date: 7 Aug 2020

      Monkey, Tripitaka, Sandy and Pigsy escape Jade Mountain with the first of the sacred scrolls - The Scroll of Immortality. The next step on their quest is to seek the Scroll of Knowledge from the Infinite Archive. After that, there are five more...