Looking at how we have funded films on their journey to production helps you to see how films get funded and the various ways we support filmmakers.
More recent, more detail
Our records date back to 1988/89 and reflect information published in our Annual Reports. Our Annual Reports were not as detailed in earlier years so more recent years have more comprehensive information. New decisions are uploaded throughout the year.
Accurate data
We have tried to ensure that these records are accurate. If any records have incorrect information, please let us know and we will correct it as soon as possible. We recommend reading the Guide to Funding Decisions before using the data.
Year | Title/Project | Alias | Funding Key People | Type | Amount |
2013/14 | Break in the Weather | Alexander Gandar, Aidee Walker | Short film production investment | $30,000 | |
2013/14 | Burn Out | Karl Zohrab, Matthew Horrocks | Script development | $12,500 | |
2013/14 | Call Me Carmen | Deb Kelleher, Vincent Burke, Walt Missingham, Dee McLachlan, Michael Bennett | Script development | $10,000 | |
2013/14 | Call Me Carmen | Deb Kelleher, Vincent Burke, Walt Missingham, Dee McLachlan, Michael Bennett | Script development | $25,000 | |
2013/14 | Camp of One | Gavin McGibbon | Script development | $10,000 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Film Festival - A Flickering Truth | Pietra Brettkelly | Festival travel | $1,000 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Film Festival - The Dark Horse | Tom Hern, James Napier Robertson | Festival travel | $2,000 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Alexander Behse | Producer travel | $7,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Andrew Beattie | Producer travel | $7,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Carthew Neal | Producer travel | $5,075 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Catherine Fitzgerald | Producer travel | $7,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Emma Slade | Producer travel | $5,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Karl Zohrab | Producer travel | $7,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Leanne Saunders | Producer travel | $7,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Matthew Horrocks | Producer travel | $7,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Pietra Brettkelly | Producer travel | $6,525 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Robin Laing | Producer travel | $7,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Steven O'Meagher | Producer travel | $7,500 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Tara Riddell | Producer travel | $3,000 | |
2013/14 | Cannes Market | Tom Hern | Producer travel | $7,500 |
*Asterisk indicates amount has been fully repaid (in the case of development loans) or fully recouped (in the case of production investment).